Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A blog or web log is a place on the Internet where you can air your views, opinions and ideas on any topic under the sun. It is also being widely used to promote products and services, and for good reason-- For low start-up investment, you get to promote and publicize your thing to a wide audience base. And search engines like Google are nowadays promoting blogs, like Google is doing it for web logs on Blogger.

Publishing a blog allows you to create new web pages loaded with info the average visitor to the web may find useful. The more information the visitor gets, the more trust you form in his mind. The info on your blog relates to your website, your product or service. That may get picked up by search engines, and that, in turn, will increase your Internet presence. This ultimately leads to an increase in terms of the perceived authenticity in the visitor's mind, which may translate to a rise in the number of click-throughs you get by way of the contextual links your blog carries

And the more you update your blog on a regular basis, the more readily is it picked up by the search engine directories for the sheer utility and uniqueness of the content you provide. So, roll up your sleeves to keep your blog updated with the latest!

Just compare your blog profile appearing on a major search engine to banner advertising-- while advertisement, to the average visitor, appears no less or no more than a sales pitch to which the visitor is generally skeptical, he gains access to the results on the search engine while he is actually looking for them-- so he is in a much more positive frame of mind.

In fact, publishing your blog is like buying keywords on search engines like Google for free, nada, zilch! And if you choose to SEO (search engine optimise) your pages on the blog, all the better! With a bit of foresight, you can supercharge your business with your blog with simply no out-of-the-pocket expenses!

By : Victor Dawson