Sunday, June 8, 2008

Getting the best, latest and most successful knowledge is important in any sphere of life and busiess. Blogging is not an exclusion from this list: many people start blogging thinking about instant success or easy job, and then some become very successful, some - not.

That is why it is very wise to use the knowledge of experts who already have gained success and have passed through their own mistakes, explaining how to avoid them.

How to Get the Latest Secrets of Blogging Gurus - Legally?

# 1. Blogging Forums and Communities.

These are the places where not only experts can dwell, but also of inexperienced people doing their first steps in blogging. Join - some of them are free - and don't be shy to ask. It is better to ask questions then to pretend that you can do something.

There is no guarantee that your posts in forums and communities will give you the answer. Some of the posts may remain unanswered, but still the public on blogging forums and communities are quite friendly and helpful.

# 2. Products of Blogging Gurus.

There is a pack of people today who are quite successful in blogging (for profit, for a hobby - doesn't matter). Some of them sell informational products where they share personal experience. Some create tools, plugins, invent new features and add new options to best blogging platforms.

These always create something, and - definitely - the purchase of their products will be a nice investment into knowledge and instruments of success. But there is one fault - before you pay and try, you cannot say if it works. So you venture money on the brand of guru.

# 3. Publicity Spots.

This is an informational alternative. Some online projects create "publicity spots" on different topics. For example, 20 blog gurus are asked questions and interviewed on the answers, recorded and published for free in the net.

As in the format of the interview gurus become closer to people, they do not feel unfit talking about their mistakes and biggest successes, what helps them and what caused problems.

A nice free chance to learning the latest from the blogging elite of success.

By : BestIMTools